Yarn ? re Rowan 68 projects

  • I'm keen to knit a couple projects from the Rowan 68 issue that you featured in the last podcast but didn't see the yarn listed in the online shop. 

    Do you carry the Rowan Felted Tweed Aran that Galbraith calls for? 


    Pause calls for Rowan Big Wool held double but I'm wondering  how your aran yarn held double might work work. 

  • @Jeanette Silverthorne Hi Jeanette - We are happy to order any yarns that you may want while we ramp up our Rowan inventory and the lines that we carry. I do have visability on the Rowan stock levels as of Oct 28th, so I was able to check if Rowan had these yarns for us to order. Unfortunately, Cinnamon-780 in Felted Tweed Aran is not available. We do have the same colour in the Felted Tweed DK that would work held double. You would need the same number of balls becasue the DK has twice as much yardage per ball compared to the FT Aran.

    For the Big Wool Project, Rowan did have Mallard-087 in stock on October 28th, we can order that for you. The turn around would be about 2 weeks. Our Selkirk Worsted held double would be a closer match in than the Aran held double (too thick). However, I must say that the construction and handle of our wool would make a much denser fabric. The Big Wool is very lofty and loosely spun. For a sweater with that construction, I would recommend that you go with the Big Wool (just my opinion).  Thanks for writing! Kim

  • Thanks for the quick feedback! Love the suggestion of holding the dk double Galbraith and its going to be a great addition to my wardrobe in the camel color. I decided Manderston would get more wear by my eldest daughter than Pause so just placed my order for both sweaters. 

    Just hope I can knit up Manderson before Christmas!

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